First World Problems

February 15th, 2012 by | Tags: , | No Comments »

I’m not going to deny that I look in the refrigerator and say, “There is absolutely nothing for dinner,” when there is really more than enough food to create a creative dish. When I see there is no more toilet paper in the bathroom, I groan about the need to walk across the hall to get more from the closet. I moan when I have to walk in the rain and worry about my hair frizzing, my MacBook Pro stops working, my favorite restaurant closed for good, and there is no hot water in the shower.

Because we live in a world where many of us are fortunate to live in well-developed shelters with highest quality of faculties including toilets, sinks, and refrigerators and food are readily available to us, our perception of problems are certainly going to be very different from those who are living in the third world where many lack access to water, toilet, health care, etc.

Scooter Magruder, the creator of “Top 100 First World Problems,” summarizes well what issues many human beings living in first world believe that they are facing on daily basis.

While it is true that many of us in first world should acknowledge that we are living in a very stable life, we should also recognize that there are still many people in North America who are facing poverty along with millions of other people in third world. As I mentioned in the previous post about “Third World Problems in the US,” many people in the US lack access to food, quality shelter, and Internet. Many are also facing AIDs and death from childbirth.

So, when we are facing minor problems while living in a high quality lifestyle, let’s take a moment to reflect about how we can help those who are not living in the highest standard of lifestyle. Life is calling! There are hundreds of organizations who have their doors opened and are waiting for volunteers and donors to make a difference!

Here are a few more aside from last week’s listing to get started:

Give blood

Mentor college students

Donate funding to American Diabetes Association

Assist foster children

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