Persons with Disabilities of Cameroon: Martin

September 5th, 2016 by | Tags: , , , | No Comments »

During the last seven months of my Peace Corps service, I am featuring photographs and stories of several persons with disabilities living in Cameroon. All the photos are part of a series called “Persons with Disabilities of Cameroon.” The goal of presenting photographs and their stories is to create better awareness about the plights that persons with disabilities face in a developing country. When I return to the US, I hope to exhibit this series in a gallery and publish a book to educate others about persons with disabilities living in developing countries as this topic is so rarely discussed in the media.

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I interviewed a gentleman named Martin who became disabled from polio.  He shared his story with me about his struggles in living with a deformed leg.

What is your disability?

I am paralyzed in my right leg.

What is the cause of your disability?

Polio. In 1965, I was five years old at the time.  I was sick and then injected with quinamax.  And that caused paralysis of the right leg.  After the injection, I could not walk.

How did you react?

I was very angry and I cried.  My future was destroyed.

What difficulties do you face today?

Financial.  Because I am a trade and agriculture technician.  I can carry out several income generating activities.  I have inherited land from my father.  I have built a house on the land.  I need financial assistance to carry out agricultural activities to support myself and family.  My disability stops me from earning enough money because I can’t go to the field often and work with field workers because the field is far from my home.  I need more money for transportation to go to the field because I can’t walk long distance.

I have many projects I want to do that requires money but because I earn less money than people without disabilities, I cannot realize the projects.


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